Life is often unfair and people are often unreasonable. Experiencing all sorts of grief and loss from a Separation is only one example of them both.
But what does one do upon that heartbreaking moment when someone says they're leaving or you've been ousted from the family for no logical or apparent reason?
Well, the first thing and only thing really to get on top of your game, is to understand and get control of your inside issues.
It is the only way you can begin to subside the pain and suffering you are most probably going through.
Simply, your inside issues are essentially what's going on in your mind. Your conscious thoughts and sub conscious programming will dictate how you perceive and experience reality; yourself, others and the world around you. Most of what's in your mind will translate into feelings and emotions.
Take comfort in the fact that nothing is ever as bad as it seems. So do not fear or panic! This is where most people come unstuck. It doesn't mean you don't take appropriate action, it simply means your mind may be tricking you into thinking matters are lot worse than they are. And when you're in this state you can't make clear and logical decisions about what needs to be done.
So what are your inside issues?
Well, they will most certainly include some form of fear, anger, blame, resistance, resentment and regret, just to name a few. These are all issues you have complete control over. It may take some time and work however it's extremely necessary and worthwhile, especially if you want to grow and mature into a healthy human being. It's also a must if you want to survive and find peace within.
After doing a search of various emotions (both positive and negative) and feelings on the net, getting a deeper understanding of what they mean and where they come from, you will start to gain a sense of control, calm and eventually peace. You will come to realise it is never about anybody else or anything outside of ourselves, it is all within.
We may not want to admit this to ourselves at first as the human psyche has been conditioned to think the cause of the problem isn't us, it must be someone else's fault. Most people experience a period of denial after a Separation or shock of some kind, however be kind to yourself and others having faith, that in time, you will come to accept what has happened, and will know in your heart that everything will work out for the best.
With love, kindness and peace
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