Fear is your friend

By Michael Knight

Thursday 13 August 2009

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Fear is your friend, get to truly know, understand and embrace him. He is your warning system and may just save your life and your crew.

Keeping out of the treacherous legal system is a very wise move indeed, with every ounce of effort, maturity and wisdom going into avoiding it.

Charting the waters of the legal system will often ship wreck your life on some deserted island or you will be washed out to sea to drown.

Chances are you won't make it in good shape, back to the normal life you once had. So don't allow yourself or others to steer you into waters where the current will end up being too strong for you and your little ship.

So it's best not to attempt any part of the legal system until you are properly informed of the dangers and skill up to use what part of the legal system you need, if any. Would you go out to sea for two or more years in a leaky boat without food and being properly prepared? I don't think so —

There is no shame by not going to court for mothers and fathers alike, in fact I praise people for not doing so, telling them how smart they are. You can gain and achieve so much more without including the legal system in your family dispute. Let us be clear, you have all the power you need to come out unscathed, you just need some guidance on how to use it. Informing and encouraging people to open their mind and look at better alternatives is a rewarding practice both short and long term, for all who take the advice.

Remember, lawyers are the gateway to these institutions and they hook you like a big fish, if you let them, and they drag you into the court systems where they and others profit big time from your misery.

If you do not listen to your fear and use it properly you may be led into a legal system and nightmare that more often than not perpetuates harm and loss for all who are associated, except those in the industry who profit from you being there of course.

Being aware that people are often induced into believing the legal system is to protect the vulnerable, the victimised, the hard done by, the innocent and that it's fair — well it's not! Only some of the time does this happen, so it's time to wake up and have a reality check. Just because you don't hear about the tens of thousands of horror stories per year from your friends and the media in Australia alone, it doesn't mean it's not happening.

Most people going through a Separation or Divorce are either shell shocked, ashamed or too fearful to talk about their personal woes, issues, inadequacies and finances, so they keep it all a big secret. As for the media if the truth were to be revealed, the public would no doubt go into a panic or more rightly so become outraged and be boycotting these institutions and protesting throughout the city streets until laws were changed and things were properly fixed.

However, don't expect help from the media any time soon. Why? Because they are complicit in the crimes against humanity either directly or indirectly. Their job should be to promote their services for the betterment of society, not exploit and profit of it. Yes, a socialistic view about a capitalist structure perhaps, however it's a nice thought. Perhaps this seed may germinate one day and shape the media into something great for all of humanity.

What people do need to learn these days is how to filter information from entering the mind, as what enters the mind, you become.

So, over perhaps the last century many people through newspapers, radio, television, and other forms of media and propaganda have been programmed to the likes of police and the legal industry as being a part of everyday normal life.

The questions that beg to be asked are:

Q. Do we really need these institutions drummed into our senses, usually from the time we are born, polluting our minds and playing a huge part in the deterioration of our quality of life?

Q. Are our institutions a necessary evil or is there a better way? and

Q. Will our world always be dog eat dog until the destruction of our current civilization?

Let's hope not.

Look don't get me wrong, these institutions have a lot of great people who are decent and honest doing all they can to help people, and it must be through and from these individuals and others that positive change emanates.

However, the point to note is that by all of us placing our attention on this clap trap for so long, it has been ingrained so deep in our subconscious mind that we involve the legal system and peripheral authorities in our life without thinking of the pros and cons of doing so, often suffering serious consequences. It's understandable for most people to think if you do nothing wrong that everything will be ok. WRONG! Not in the legal system, and if you are not prepared to take this on board, it's a peril that awaits you.

The legal system can be a clever and needed instrument at times if used properly, however you will have to learn how to do this, although be warned. Unless you are a legal employee who is often protected, you as an outsider with your assets and your freedom may just end up being caught out. So if you thought looking after your children, finances and assets was a struggle before, fear not anymore, as you may easily be relieved of this burden after seeing lawyers and going to court. Yes, these precious things you have been entrusted with may just be taken away from you in a heartbeat.

Thus in essence, if you embark upon the waters of the legal system it could be said you are either naive, not thinking straight, unaware of your rights and power — or you are a gambler, enjoy the supposed fun and thrill of it all, like to take unnecessary risks or possibly exhibiting some masochist tendencies causing harm not only to yourself but others. So, if any of these represent you, take another look at yourself and the situation, and turn your little ship around and head back to shore. You can rethink your plans and strategies by a warm fire and a glass of rum, or two.

Become aware and don't sacrifice yourself or the ones you love, and your futures. Let fear keep you well away from the legal establishment for you will all be better served. Fear in this instance is definitely your friend.

Volcanoes are great to watch from a safe distance as they bellow smoke occasionally and the excitement you feel from the possibility of it erupting is all well and good, unless you live just down the road. However, do you really want to do all the hard work climbing up the mountain and lowering yourself into the volcano? I don't think so — and for what reason? Are you mad?

I think you get the point of the analogy so until next time listen to your fear, and see it as your friend. It will make a great companion on all your exciting journeys, and just may prevent you from getting shipwrecked in not only the legal system, but throughout life.

Keep plenty of love in your life and peace and good fortune will reign supreme.

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    By: Stanley Fraser from Auckland, NZ on October 24, 2009 @ 4:27 am
    Lawyers can be creepy at the best of times, however I think you're right, fear is a major factor in people's minds which no doubt exacerbates their negative experiences. It's all a journey at the end of the day. Well done
    By: Jane Anderson from Sydney New South Wales, Australia on August 18, 2009 @ 10:03 am
    Thank you so very much for this article Michael. Your article crystallized many issues for me and found it to be helpful. It made a great a deal of sense to me and was particularly relevant to my situation. I have read some other articles and also found them interesting with you having a particular style and insight one doesn't come across often. I am a also a publicist and if you ever wish to write articles professionally or book please contact me. Keep up the good work for a great cause. Jane
    By: Barbara from VIC, Auys on August 13, 2009 @ 9:55 am
    Liked your shipwrecked on a desert island analogy, babe. I'd like to be on that proverbial with you some day. I fear there could be a whole lotta shakin' goin' on! Until next time, Tiger.
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