Love is right under your nose (Download)

By Michael Knight

Sunday 25 September 2011

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Sometimes when you have lost loved ones through a breakup, material possessions and perhaps a sense of identity of all you have been, you can feel much sorrow and anguish — perhaps feeling you are loveless and there is nothing more for you.

However, you would be definitively wrong with this type of thinking, as it as far away from the truth as Earth is from Pluto, as no doubt many people who have had enormous loss and yet come through the storm of Separation would surely tend to concur. A bright future is always upon you at every waking moment if you could only see it, think it and feel it.

Your perception of how lucky you are, even amidst the inevitability of negative factors bearing down upon you, will give you the strength to be reborn only stronger and wiser. Life is a school where we are all pupils belonging to the class of humanity with lessons being placed before us all the time.

We may not understand the reasoning behinds these events and lessons at the time, however rest assured they are presented for a specific purpose. The solution for you in whatever circumstance you are confronted with is to always remain in your natural state of pure love.

If you can work toward a knowing, through every cell in your body, that you are a life force of love and that you will never lose this love, being the only real gold on the planet worth knowing about, having and sharing, your days will always be blessed.

From this knowing you are love you have an endless stream of love to give away, never needing to worry or be in fear, for where there is love there can be no fear.

"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment.
He that feareth is not made perfect in love."... 1 John 4:18 (King James Bible)

Knowing and having faith in that you are love attracts all the right answers to you at all the right times. Just be aware and receptive to these solutions when they come along and of course follow your heart.

Love is light and where there is light there can never be any darkness for this is a universal law. When you are aware of this energy or power called love this is knowledge, and for where there is knowledge of something you can no longer be ignorant of this thing. Without ignorance fear and doubt cannot exist and you are free to be. Being free is when you are the most creative and an absolute strong and purposeful reason for being here.

For when anyone is in crisis or on hard times it is love that always finds a way, for love is the natural god given medicine that cures all.

When we are acting in the form love we are in natural alignment with the spirit of mankind and mother Earth. Working together and in harmony we create, rebuild and prosper in peace and joy. Our dark moments are only to rekindle our love and remind us of what truly is beautiful.

Love is right under you nose, if we could all learn to recognize it and understand what is really important, all life in existence would flourish to be enjoyed by all.

With love, kindness and peace

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