Listening to Split Enz's song 'History never repeats' or speak to any historian and they will probably tell you that history doesn't repeat, or maybe they will.
However, whilst history may not repeat in the exact same way, event or form as previously, there are however many signs throughout history indicating it does repeat — albeit in the thoughts and actions of people, from no doubt reading up on material written by historians through to existential experiences.
All throughout time repetition in its many forms has existed. From a single person and thought to the predictability of behaviour for large numbers of people. From the sun giving way for the moon to shine every single day to tides drifting in and out based on the moon's gravitational pull.
Everywhere in human existence, on our planet and solar system are cyclic patterns. These patterns are inherent in our energy as electrons spin around the nucleus of an atom in their elliptical orbits.
A correlation can be drawn that energy regardless of how it is derived both manifests and controls our thoughts, including following some form of cyclic pattern, possibly explaining a person's cyclic patterns or moods and behaviour, in addition to the standard triggers.
So when you can get good at understanding and utilising these cycles, definite advantages and insight can be gleaned which can certainly improve your life now and in the future.
This predictability and certainty that has been afforded us throughout creation has made the lives of those in the know easier, free from confusion and chaos, as much as it may seem a bit boring at times.
By opening your mind and listening to your senses eliminating the reams of propaganda, lies and rhetoric that has crippled your mind, you can see the truth that history does repeat, as does your ignorance until you eventually wake up.
Human history caused by the actions of people has been a function of both parts of the mind that we know about, namely the conscious and sub conscious components. What people consciously think about repeatedly with intensity from their senses and emotions will dictate what is stored in their subconscious. From the mind will their actions be born, either in the present or at some time in the future.
For example what may go into the mind of a five year old child often enough may not manifest into thoughts and actions until some years later, even well into a person's fifties or sixties, any time really. Whether these late actions are consciously or unconsciously motivated, one isn't always aware, however the fact remains that history has repeated itself many years later, albeit in a different form.
Hence, from one mind or actions to another's mind this transference can be almost endless, passed on from one generation to another.
Now if we could only fill a person's mind with thoughts of love, abundance and generosity of giving, with them being free to action this love far and wide, perhaps for generations to come only love will repeat and exist. The evil and self serving ways that flourish in some circles may cease to exist as we know them.
Peace on Earth as it is in heaven. Heaven being a magical place of love and peace that resides in us all.
With love, kindness and peace
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