Questions of Love
Sunday 6 February 2011
Article: 4,550 chars
There is no particular order to the construction of words below as there is no real structure or boundaries to love. The passage in it's initial draft may read sketchy. The author may intend it to be left this way, or at the very least prefer it to sit within the context of life for sometime.
My dear friends, is there really any one such passage voluminous or otherwise that really defines love?
Has your love recently died, perhaps yet again after many bouts of this all powerful drug, which seems to control you more, than you do it?
Does love not live here anymore?
Are you feeling so sad with your house so empty and cold, without the love of another?
Is love real or just a fallacy?
Was it really ever there in the first place? Maybe love and you are impostors?
Perhaps love represents hope?
Maybe love is all there really is.
Is there an order to love, joy and peace or simply chaos and confusion?
Or rather love is God's law, at least on a spiritual level.
Is love something we should question and explore or just leave be to come and go as the rain doth fall from the sky, accepting its part in life without much thought?
Is there any explanation to love or simply just consequences from the actions that arise from this peculiar genetic strand?
Is love ingrained in each of us so much so, that like a tree cannot be without it's roots, neither can we be human without love?
Is love that fuels our greatest adventures and triumphs or does the decline of love from our hearts plummet us to the ground like heavy lead weights being cast overboard from a hot air balloon?
Are you still in the dream or have awoken?
Is it the dream we must hold onto tightly to give us a reason to go on? A dream of faith when perhaps all other dreams are lost.
Love is about as simple as the air we breathe or as complex as the quantum physics that supports this air.
Love transcends all levels, barriers and cultural differences.
They say love is blind but blind to what? What is love concealing, what lay beneath the covers?
Love is like music many variations but with the one message to make you feel good.
Love can be an emotion fueled by an intense liking of something or someone.
Love can be a feeling do you remember what it feels like when in love?
Does love give us meaning and purpose?
Perhaps an energy to do what otherwise would not be possible.
Perhaps the lack of love can also give us a feeling we can be addicted to.
Is love simply a belief we choose to hang onto or adopt?
Love can be a state of mind and being. ie. being in love
Perhaps love is a mere dream and even illusory.
Love can come from a sense of security.
Love can be in the form of giving with out any form of expectation or return for the love you have rendered. Although many of us like to think of this as unconditional, truth is we still get some form of kick or payoff in return, even if it's only a thought of helping someone or good feeling.
Love is a deceptive ploy by some to use you and get what they want.
Love to some can be simply an extension of their love of themselves, as in the the case with Narcissistic types of personalities. So they don't really love unconditionally, giving the other person a gift of love without strings attached.
What is love good for?
Is it simply an experiential state we choose over other states?
There are many expressions of love.
Love can be present in a relationship in one or many forms.
As in liking a person who has the same or similar values to yourself. A variation on self love really.
Having all this said and done, what love means to you is simply what is.
What you choose to be just is.
There is no amount of psychological examination, understanding or hyperbola to be undertaken for there is no beginning nor end. There is no conclusion or hypothesis to an abstract work of art God created as an after thought to humanity or whether it be his prime purpose.
We will never know however I guess that was never Gods intention, rather it was our countless journeys that we embarked upon in the name of love that God wanted for us all and himself.
A love of this phenomena called love leaves me wondering — I simply do not know.
One thing is sure my friends, when love is gone it feels terrible...
With love, kindness and peace
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