Behind bars (Download)

By Michael Knight

Tuesday 12 October 2010

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As a Separated parent there is never a day that passes without you having to make numerous choices of one type or another in relation to parenting — some difficult but mostly doable everyday choices. However, after being knocked around by your ex and lawyers from one day to the next in the Family Court legal system, there just may come a time when you have to make those big choices about life, death, freedom and welfare of others, namely your children, well before that of your own.

Sometimes fighting the almighty Family Court dragon and all its resources by refusing or unable to comply with it's perceived ridiculous and often unworkable processes and outlandish Orders can be the duty of a parent in protecting his or her children. Not because of some recalcitrant behaviour by the parent in order to receive some buzz of ecstasy, no not at all, but to genuinely enforce an intuitive level of safeguard around the children in question, a duty which you as the parent have been entrusted with by a far higher power than any man made Family Court could ever have. For not to do so, would be committing a sin of the highest order in the eyes of God, resulting in your conscience and soul to never rest peacefully ever again.

Whilst your stand may not be favourable with the court, sometimes there is simply no other way. It may put you to the ultimate test of losing your freedom or life, but this is the job of a parent you have been given, for better or worse. This most responsible and sacrificial role of protector has your name clearly imbibed in their little souls. It's a challenge you must always rise up to in a heartbeat, if and when required, no matter what the consequences to you maybe. Your children's safety and welfare must instinctively always be No.1.

Whilst easily said in the calm of day, it's not always so when embarking on a route of direct confrontation with the Family Court and it's powers, in addition to going perhaps against the grain of a lifetime's worth of programmed beliefs invoking countless fears, possibly sending your mind into a state of confusion. However, as you focus on the safety of your child the fear and confusion will subside into a fortified decision that no man made Orders or power could ever break.

Whilst the above is not inferring the Family Court's are corrupt, it is worth being aware that courts are misled by some lawyers, especially when there is a disparity in the power, influence, finances and bitterness of the parties.

If you ever have the misfortune of being roped into Family Court proceedings, you just may find yourself under attack and at some stage to be at odds with the court, resulting in a stint behind bars. However, do not ever let this sway you if it ever means ensuring the safety of the most loving and precious souls you will ever have the honour of serving and privilege of being close to — your children.

With love, kindness and peace

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