People aren't always aware of their desires, let alone live them out. Perhaps they're scared of admitting to themselves what they desire, as then they would have to seek it out and obtain it. This may seem like hard work, an impossible feat, or bring countless fears and challenges, and the truth is, not everyone is up to it.
However, what is your choice?
Live a life of being scared and mediocrity?
Is this what the world wants for you? Is this what you really want deep down? Is it what God wants?
What do you think?
So what do you do now?
Make a choice as God has given you free will and free reign. Put something better in your head.
Get a plan together lose the fear act.
See and feel the fun in the risk and uncertainty of this new adventure.
After all, what is life really for?
Are you living out your dream or someone elses?
Do you know what programs are running in your sub-conscious mind?
If so, are they in alignment with what you want or working against you?
Form strong and powerful new habits to create the person you want and need to be, to get where you want to go.
Sharpen that arrow point real sharp, pull back the arrow and bowstring slowly but firmly, hold it, aim and shoot!
With love, kindness and peace
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