Serving Humanity
Saturday 6 February 2010
Article: 4,738 chars
Just as a single fruit tree serves the many who feast from it's fruit, so too can you be the tree that is laden with fruit, once you become aware of what you bear not what you fear.
Do you believe in and would like to make a conscious effort to serve humanity, even more so than what you are perhaps already doing, without any expectation of gratitude for what you give or do, just like the fruit tree?
You do superb.
Well as a small gift from the almighty for your loyalty and service, don't be surprised if you get a feeling that sends a tingle through to your core with a sense of being in alignment with spirit and a higher good. Ooops, did I mention that word spirit. Who knows, you may just begin to float on air. No, I'm not on some form of illicit drug although I'm sure the euphoria is similar.
Now as I ground myself and get back on track, let's see.
The first thing to understand is that only through serving others can you ever truly serve and nourish yourself spiritually. I understand this may not mean a whole lot to you at the moment, depending on the place you're in right now, however let me assure you it's a big part of the game, providing the many threads that make up the tapestry of life as we know it. After all, you do want a rug to lay on, don't you?
If you can shift your focus onto how lucky you are for just a minute, you will come to be aware of how many things actually serve you as you read on.
This great planet you have been fortunate to materialize on serves you with oxygen and all the other wondrous elements that provide you with so much, nature, animals for enjoyment and to sustain life. The universe gives you the sun, all it's warmth and glory, the moon and many a story, our planets and a quest for many a scientist to explore our solar system and beyond you have been given it all. Does this fill you with glee?
Being grateful is a big step in the healing process highlighting your progress of change and willingness to accept responsibility for what you have in your life, and don't. It's a lesson and constant reminder for you to focus on what you do have, and not what you don't, or what you perceive to have lost. For when anything's past you can never get it back, not with this mortal life anyway.
Everything on the planet is, for a reason. Nothing is out of place, it's always meant to be, there are no mistakes, accidents or coincidences, the world is perfect in every respect following the many universal laws, a main one being the law of cause and effect.
So giving some service in return is only fair when you come to think of it, after all, you have been given so much. However, how you serve and the quantum is totally up to you and your free will. These decisions on how to serve people and the planet rest solely with you.
When you become fully aware of the magnitude of what you are given, and all for free I might add, being in any state other than awe, is an understatement not reflecting the true value and beauty of what you have. You have truly been served up an almighty platter of treasures beyond the comprehension of most of us, if I maybe permitted to speak boldly.
Hence it is natural you serve others with what you have right now, no matter whether you deem it small or insignificant, although I can say with utmost conviction that what you have to give others is a whole lot of love, a smile, some fits of laughter and just being you, can bring immense joy to another. So never think you have not a thing to give for this is a non truth.
No matter whether you believe you are penniless, have lost some material possessions, unable to see loved ones, it doesn't cost much, in fact it doesn't cost anything for a kind word, gesture, a thought or even a prayer.
Believe it or not it's natural to want and serve others, as you are but one of the same, with both mankind and the planet. It is impossible for you not to want to serve others for if this were so, I verily believe you would not be here today.
I believe if your spirit has been given life you are indelibly here to serve others. You may not know how or why and perhaps this is your quest. The good news is all of life's treasures await in abundance for all those who learn and practice the secret of serving others.
Could humanity exist today as we know it without people serving each other?
In this life it is not where you start
But ultimately your journey and service to others,
For only then when the end doth fall,
Can you you look back with pride and peace and say,
"I gave it my all".
How will you enjoy serving humanity?
With love, kindness and peace
For a wonderful website to express and view comments of gratitude visit:
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