How is your faith holding up? (Download)

By Michael Knight

Sunday 3 May 2009

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Going through a Separation can be a testing time for even the best and strongest of us. It's an area of life where the seas are rough and it's up to you whether you sink or swim, so hang onto whatever you can to stay afloat. Getting a tight grip on some faith may just prove to be the life saver you have been looking for. But what really is faith?

I believe faith is a source of impenetrable strength — about as unique to each of us as the shape, size and feelings we get from somebody lightly touching our right ear. Everyone has their own and there is no right or wrong, just make sure you have some and build up your stores for those rainy days.

Where people draw their faith from is subjective, however an educated guess might include their abilities, knowledge, experience, being amongst people, the bible, God, Jesus, church, various religious interpretation, doctrines, beliefs, children, a lover, father, mother or family members, a hero figure (possibly from childhood), a righteous good, principles or passions of the heart. The list is endless I'm sure.

Some people may not be aware of their faith or have had the need to tap into it regularly. Where others have had their faith not only tested once or twice, but many times over and over, possibly on a daily basis, to the point where it is so low or non-existent. If this is you at the moment, don't despair, dig deeper within, connect with people and look for all things of beauty and goodness. Even funny and silly things that make you laugh can help.

So where does faith come from?
Well, I have just plonked myself on an old banana lounge as I write these notes. It's a sunny and quiet morning, blue sky, some cool fresh air hits my face as I quietly smile from a feeling I guess of being alive. I hear birds twittering and the distant laughter of children playing, no phones ringing, no family problems confronting me, just peace and quiet by myself, thinking about my loved ones, with the reassurance that I think they love me giving me a tingle of joy. I know I haven't been the best father and man, but have always tried to do the right thing by them. I have made many mistakes — I know. These are gone and can't be changed. They are all ok and everything that needs to be done, I'm sure is being done.

The grass is long, the garden has been let go looking quite unkempt, carport and garage are full of clutter, my car lives behind the gates broken down and covered up, my relationship is on the rocks yet again with my considering the inevitable realisation it was never going to work, my career and financial prospects have been troubled and in a state of disarray for so long now, and I have no idea where I am going — but somehow it just doesn't matter. It's just what is — right now.

It's almost a state of imperfection amongst overall perfection of balance and harmony on this wondrous planet we call Earth. I could choose to be stressed about it all, but I choose not. I have done this before trying to meet other people's standards and agendas, but the only thing it caused was more stress and feelings of pain and suffering.

Well for me now, faith comes from a peace within, and knowing that this beautiful thing we call nature is here today and everyday without fail. Yes, it may change form from time to time, nature too has it's good and bad days just like us, however generally it can wrap around me like a warm rug on the coldest of nights. My only wish is to be healthy so I can experience it all.

Faith is like a boost giving me confidence that anything is possible and to push forward with kindness, showering good things on all I can.

Faith is also what I can fall back on when I fall down from the many opposing forces I may come across.

Faith also tells me I have fallen or an indication that this was not exactly the right path to follow — for which I can then be grateful for this lesson and guidance.

Faith is being comfortable with hopefully having done more right things in the world than bad. All I wish to do is righteous deeds that help, not hinder or hurt. Love is all I can be — love is my source of strength and this I have in abundance. I am not quite sure from who or where this source of love comes from, maybe I will never know, however for the moment I am truly thankful for such a wonderful gift.

Please discover or rediscover your faith that helps you on your life's journey of trials and tribulations. Perhaps do as I did and take a few moments outside on one beautiful sunny morning or any other place you choose and ponder your faith.

Faith is a gift available to you. Simply open your heart and mind and become aware — it is your closest companion.

Love and kindness to you all

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