Who is responsible for Darcey Freeman's Death?

By Michael Knight

Wednesday 21 October 2009

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Who is responsible for Darcey Freeman's Death is the big question on every one's mind.

And guess what, we all know who it is.

Yes, that's right — all of us.

The obvious ones who are complicit in this crime are the Family Court goons. Judges including Chief Judge Diana Bryant, all those unscrupulous lawyers and psychologists who work in the courts and connected associations who profit from the breakdown of family.

Yes, Arthur Freeman who must be in a living hell, not just stuck in jail for ever and a day, but having to live with the pain and negative emotions for all eternity, having did what he regrettably did, in the spur of the moment. Wrong place at the wrong time. The stress upon this poor father must have been horrendous for him to have performed such a thoughtless act. Most people who have been up against it with barbaric authorities know the immense pressure one can be under, and everyone knows, it only takes a second for a person to snap.

The mother, who is also living a different type of hell must be regretting ever setting foot in a lawyer's office, let alone being induced into going to the Family Court. I'm sure in hindsight she would have done things different if it meant having her darling Darcey still with her.

As for the other poor children who have just lost a sister, their lives will never be the same and my heart goes out to them big time. Let us pray they get the very best help and love that can be mustered up.

And one must not forget the other members of the extended families, grandparents, uncles and aunties alike who will also have been hit hard.

On behalf of Beyond Separation our condolences go out to all family members.

As for the rest of us pathetic human beings in this community for doing sweet bloody nothing, we too are responsible for the death of this loving and innocent child. Having seen so many children and parents die previously, after the Family Court empire has touched families with their grubby little hands, this tragedy of poor little Darcey would surely have been prevented, if better systems were in play.

How many deaths does it take for people to wake up and STOP trotting off to lawyers and the Family Court who dish out orders that are often archaic and unconscionable, tearing away even further at the fabric of families and society.

Children just need to be cared for and loved by both parents, to feel and be safe, allowed to grow up healthy and normal, free and to have fun. It's not hard!

It's not alot to ask for from a child, but for fuck's sake, parents and people in power just can't get it right.

Little children may not be cast of the Westgate Bridge every day, thank God, however almost every day the lives of some poor family are being shafted, in the very institutions that purport to be doing good. If you believe they are, you possibly still believe in the tooth fairy or haven't had the misfortune of these systems entering your family life.

What the public needs is for all the facts about this Freeman case to be fully transparent with all authorities and individuals totally accountable.

Yes, the Chief Judge of the Family Court needs to start looking for another job, especially after conveniently losing valuable court paperwork on the Freeman case.

A diverse board of Separated parents needs to replace the top job, or the Family Court needs to be disbanded altogether, with the money financing proper systems that can help families properly.

Families have had a gutful of being looted and "fucked over" by the Family Court Industry who causes more harm than good, and go around telling each other what a fantastic job we've done, blowing sunshine up each other's ass.

The Family Court and it's so called professionals and academics make having any form of decent and normal relationship with your children almost bloody impossible.

Proper systems need to be implemented by people who have a brain, not by politicians and those who are so removed and unaffected from the problem and effects.

What the public need is HONESTY, TRANSPARENCY, ACCOUNTABILITY and INVOLVEMENT to fix this Separation and Divorce racket once and for all. If you are not part of the solution, get out of the kitchen!


Bloody angry

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    By: Teddy from WA, Ozy on January 19, 2010 @ 8:58 am
    Look like an interesting website peoples. Whatever happened to this man beyond separation. Why don't the people in authority ever get held responsible??? WE all get pushed like this man, but crikeys right on a bloody bridge of all places... poor girl.
    By: Bill Simmons from WA, Australia on October 24, 2009 @ 3:24 am
    Thanks Michael for clarifying what I've been wondering for some time. Anything that happens in society like what happened to little Darcy is all our faults. It takes a big person to take responsibility for this sort of stuff and although I feel bad I feel better for owning up to my part. Great article keep them coming. I don't hear this sort of stuff enough.
    By: Jimmy Jones from VIC, Aus on October 22, 2009 @ 12:56 am
    All those who practice in this criminal racket are guilty.
    When do we start shooting a few of them?
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